Violence Prevention and Intervention Program
350 Spelman Lane, S.W., Milligan, Suite 2305E
Atlanta, Georgia 30314
A coordinated community response approach ensures a timely, culturally relevant and respectful response to sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking committed on or off campus. Implementing such an approach requires establishing a Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT).
Spelman’s CCRT is a multi-disciplinary team of campus and community partners that meet regularly to assess, plan, monitor and evaluate campus prevention and response efforts. This team coordinates all prevention and intervention efforts; facilitates communication between key campus departments and community partners; ensures messages across efforts are consistent and reinforced; and ensures the system’s response to victims is seamless, consistent and supportive.
Please contact for more information.
The Spelman Coordinated Community Response Team is a multi-disciplinary team comprised of campus and community entities. The Community Partners are highlighted and hyperlinked below.