Transfer Credit Policy

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Transfer Credit Policy

The College will award transfer credit for comparable work in which the student has earned grades of “C” or better, provided that the institution at which the credit was earned is accredited by its regional accrediting agency.

The College’s registrar evaluates the transcripts of incoming transfer students to determine course equivalents for general and divisional requirements. Department chairpersons evaluate transcripts of incoming transfer students to determine course equivalents for departmental requirements.

Additional Transfer Credit Guidelines

  • The maximum allowance for transfer credit earned at any institution is 60 semester hours.
  • Includes credit from Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Equivalency Program (CLEP), and summer school.
  • Registrar’s Office determines Spelman course equivalents for core requirements (general education).
  • Department Chair determines Spelman course equivalents for major requirements.
  • If not transferring in math or foreign language credit(s), the student must take placement exam upon enrollment.
  • Grades for transfer credit are not factored into a student’s grade point average at Spelman College.
  • Credits are awarded in semester hours. Quarter hours will be converted to semester hours.
  • Transfer student must take both English Composition I and English Composition II to receive credit for Spelman’s SENG 103 –First-Year Composition.
  • Transfer credit is not awarded for the following courses:
    • Internship
    • Practicum
    • Seminar
    • Workshop
    • Research
    • Remedial
    • Orientation

For additional information on course sequences and academic policies and procedures, please see the Spelman College Bulletin and the Course Sequence Booklet

Recommended General Education Courses for Credit Transfer Articulation

To provide a general idea of how the courses you have taken at other institutions may transfer to Spelman College, please refer to the list below. These courses have been accepted in previous years to satisfy Spelman College’s core curriculum requirements.


Core Curriculum Requirements
Courses Taken at Other Institutions Spelman College Course
English Composition I AND English Composition II First Year Composition
Intro to Computers (non-science majors), Intro to Programming (science majors) Computer Literacy
Contemporary Math, College Algebra or higher Mathematics
Elementary and/or Intermediate Foreign Language Foreign Language
Two Fitness courses (Walking, Yoga, Weight Training, Swimming, etc.) Wellness
Intro to Women’s Studies, Introduction to Asian Studies Women’s/International Studies
U.S. History I or II, World Literature I or II, Intro to Philosophy, Intro to Religion Humanities
Theatre Appreciation, Music Appreciation, Art Appreciation Fine Arts
Intro to Sociology, Intro to Anthropology, Intro to Psychology, American Government Social Sciences
Environmental Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Natural Sciences (Must include Lab)

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